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Fine Art painting by Marc Remus (Abstract acrylic painting)
Fine Art painting by Marc Remus (3D relief painting)
Abstract paintings by fine artist Marc Remus. Acrylic paintings. Three series: "Universe, Plumage, Ray of Light."
London cityscape painting (Fine Art acrylic painting by Marc Remus)
Fun Cities
Neo Pop Art cityscape by painter Marc Remus (acrylics on canvas)
Fun Countries
Ancient Greece painting by Marc Remus (acrylic and watercolor painting on paper)
Cubist oil painting "The Cone"  (Fine Art Marc Remus)
Cityscape painting of Cologne, Germany (watercolor and acrylics on paper by Marc Remus)
Ancient Cultures
Marble Reliefs

Marble Reliefs

This abstracted series is based on the idea of ancient fossil finds. Just like prehistoric dinosaurs caught in stone, these paintings are three-dimensional relief structures. Created from ground marble as a basis, shapes are formed on a canvas, making the painting look as if creatures and objects dive in and out of a lake.

By adding eggshells, pebbles and other natural products to the painting, the “fossils” come alive. The final touches are done in acrylics, gold leaf, inks and spray paint, just before the entire structure is sealed with a thick layer of varnish.



 Marc Remus

  Painting  Fine Art  Illustrations

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Catrina - Dia de los Muertos Neo Pop Art painting by Marc Remus
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