Today, I am announcing an amazing development! Jennifer Rees, who edited the world famous "Hunger Games," will be editing my new book!
Those having read The Chocolate Clouds know that this novel was the last book edited by my dear friend and editor Nancy Butts. We have worked over 15 years together on all my books. Last year, she passed away in a horrible accident, leaving me devastated, personally but also professionally.
Since then, I have searched for a new editor, but it was hard to find someone who could hold up to Nancy's high standards. With over 30 years in the publishing industry she was an expert in editing.
Today, I can tell you that I have found the perfect replacement who will be editing my new book The Fluffmunches - A Furry Life.
Editor Jennifer Rees read my submission and decided to work with me in the future.
I am thrilled that this crème-de-la-crème editor will be working with me from now on to bring the best quality to you possible.
Here some information on Jennifer Rees:
I am a New York Times bestselling Children's Book editor with 15+ years in the industry with my work specializing in Picture Books, Middle Grade and YA novels, such as Suzanne Collins' unparalleled THE HUNGER GAMES series.
After college, I became a Children’s Bookseller and was hit with the publishing bug. So, with a few suitcases and a big dream, I moved to New York City and was beyond fortunate to land at Scholastic, where I worked my way up from reading manuscripts in the “slush” pile to editing my own books. During my time there, I edited picture books, MG novels, and teen fiction and nonfiction, and series for all ages, including THE HUNGER GAMES series, which was a life-changing experience for me. I loved every minute of it, but after my third son was born, I knew I needed a change, which included being a mom and shifting my career to something that made sense for my family while still continuing to do the work that I love. Now in Pittsburgh, PA, my hometown, I live with my family of three amazing boys, one naughty Golden Retriever, and a library's worth of children's books that are never shelved alphabetically and never off-limits. I maintain my deep-rooted connection to New York City publishing, as I continue my work with Scholastic, as well as other publishing houses like National Geographic and Wattpad, and several literary agencies